The 31st Annual Installation Ceremony of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 was held on Saturday, 18th February, 2011at Jai Kieran Hall, Ramnathi, Goa. Bro. Anastasio Colaco was ceremoniously placed in the Chair of King Solomon by W. Bro. Devidas V. Borkar, the Ruling Master of the Lodge.
W. Bro. Anastasio Colaco then appointed and invested his Officers for the year 2012-13.
The ceremony was attended by brethren of the Lodge in large numbers. W. Bro. Yashkaran Singh, ARGM of North Karnataka and Goa Area graced the occasion as representative of the R.W. the Regional Grand Master of the Regional grand Lodge of Southern India, R. W. Bro. R. Sushil Raj.

W. Bro. Alvito Martins, Ruling Master of Lodge Haig Brown No.3829 of the English Constitution, Bro. Austin Ellis of Lodge Salfire No. 1505 under Scottish Constitution, W. Bro. Vithal of Lodge Dharwad No. 54 and other distinguished brethren graced the ceremony with their presence.
The evening ended with a festive board and fellowship which was enjoyed by all.