Lodge Gomantak No.248 celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day on 24th June, 2013 at the Goa Branch of Shanti Avedana, a Hospice for terminally ill cancer patients. Brethren of the Lodge, along with their families, interacted with the sisters and voluntary workers running the hospice and the patients at the facility.

Hospital supplies and linen was presented to the Sister in charge of the hospice. A wheel chair and a CD player – cum FM radio were also presented to the Sister in charge of the hospice for the use of the inmates. The total value of the charity is around Rs. 8000/=.

After the visit to Shanti Avedana, members of Lodge and their families had a get-together as a part of the celebration of Universal Brotherhood Day. A prospective member of the Lodge was also invited to the visit to Shanti Avedana and the subsequent get-together to acquaint him with the brethren in the lodge and to give him a feel of the unity and brotherly atmosphere in the Lodge and the activities of the Lodge. Queries and doubts of the prospective member as well as new initiates were set to rest as a result of this interaction. A fellowship and Dinner concluded the day’s proceedings.
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